About the Editors

      Christian P. Janssen
Utrecht University, Experimental Psychology and Helmholtz Institute
Utrecht, The Netherlands


Dr. Christian P Janssen is an assistant professor (tenured) at Utrecht University, where he leads the university wide research team on Social and Cognitive Modeling. He has been an active researcher in the field of computational cognitive modeling and human-vehicle interaction for over one decade. He is an editor for IJHCS and Human Computer Interaction and a member of the steering committee of ACM Automotive-UI. Previously, he was Automotive-UI’s general chair (2019) and technical program chair (2021). He is technical program chair of CHIWORK (2021-2022). He has been an associate chair (meta-reviewer) for Automotive-UI, CHI, ICCM, and Cognitive Science and served as subcommittee chair for CHI (2023).

      Martin Baumann
Ulm University, Human Factors
Ulm, Germany


Prof. Dr. Martin Baumann leads the department of Human Factors at the Institute of Psychology and Education at Ulm University since 2014. His expertise is at the intersection of engineering psychology, cognitive psychology and cognitive modeling, and traffic psychology. In 2018 he co-founded the section “Engineering Psychology” of the German Psychological Society and was elected as its first Speaker in 2019. Prof. Baumann is an active member of the ACM SIGCHI Automotive UI Conference and is / was member of the program committees of various international conferences. He collaborates in several national and international automotive research projects with researchers from universities in Europe and Asia and from the automotive industry funded by the national government, EU and German Science Foundation.

      Antti Oulasvirta
Aalto University, School of Electrical Engineering & Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence
Aalto, Finland


Prof. Dr. Antti Oulasvirta leads the User Interfaces research group at Aalto University and the Interactive AI research program at FCAI (Finnish Center for AI). He was awarded the ERC Starting Grant (2015-2020) for research on computational design of user interaces. Dr. Oulasvirta serves as an associate editor for ACM TOCHI and has previously served International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, as well as served as a column editor for IEEE Computer. He frequently participates in the paper committees of HCI conferences, including the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). He is a member of ELLIS (European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems). In 2019, he was invited to the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. He was a SICSA Distinguished Visiting Fellow in 2011 and in 2022.